Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Susan D. Boon, Dr.

Susan D. Boon, Dr.

Susan D. Boon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Calgary. She is a member of the Social Psychology and Social Development research group (SPSD), director of the University of Calgary's "Lovelab," and an associate editor at the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. She and her students study personal relationships, with a particular focus on their darker side. Together with her students, she has been investigating a broad range of topics in the field of personal relationships since 1992.

Primary Interests:

  • Aggression, Conflict, Peace
  • Attitudes and Beliefs
  • Close Relationships
  • Ethics and Morality
  • Interpersonal Processes
  • Judgment and Decision Making

Research Group or Laboratory:

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Journal Articles:

  • Boon, S. D., Alibhai, A. M., & Deveau, V. L. (2011). A taste of their own medicine: Reflections on the costs and benefits of exacting romantic revenge. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 43 (2), 128-137.
  • Boon, S. D., & Brussoni, M. J. (1998). Popular images of grandparents: Young adults’ views of their closest grandparents. Personal Relationships, 5, 105-119.
  • Boon, S. D., Deveau, V. L., & Alibhai, A. M. (2009). Payback: An exploration of the parameters of revenge in romantic relationships, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26 (6-7), 747-768.
  • Boon, S. D., & Griffin, D. W. (1996). The construction of risk in relationships: The role of framing in decisions about intimate relationships. Personal Relationships, 3, 293-302.
  • Boon, S. D., & Holmes, J. G. (1999). Methods of absolution: Interpersonal risk and the evaluation of transgressions in close relationships. Personal Relationships, 6, 151-168.
  • Boon, S. D., & McLeod, B. A. (2001). Deception in romantic relationships: Subjective estimates of success at deceiving and attitudes toward deception. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 18, 463-476.
  • Boon, S. D., & Pasveer, K. A. (1999). Charting the topography of risky relationship experiences. Personal Relationships, 6, 317-336.
  • Boon, S. D., & Sulsky, L. M. (1997). Attributions of blame and forgiveness in romantic relationships: A policy-capturing study. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 3, 19-44.
  • Boon, S. D., Watkins, S. J., & Sciban, R. A. (2014). Pluralistic ignorance and misperception of social norms concerning cheating in dating relationships. Personal Relationships, 21, 482-496.
  • Boon, S. D., & Yoshimura, S. M. (2016). Avengees’ perspectives on revenge: Commitment as a predictor and relationship type differences. Personal Relationships, 23, 475-490.
  • Mackinnon, S. L., & Boon, S. D. (2012). Protect the individual or protect the relationship? A dual-process model of indirect risk exposure, trust, and caution. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 29(2), 262-283.
  • Malhi, R. L., Boon, S. D., & Rogers, T. B. (2009). "Being Canadian" and "being Indian:" Subject positions and discourses used South Asian-Canadian women’s talk about ethnic identity. Culture & Psychology, 15, 255-283.
  • Rapske, D. L., Boon, S. D., Alibhai, A. M., & Kheong, M. J. (2010). Not forgiven, not forgotten: An investigation of unforgiven interpersonal offenses. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29, 1100-1130.
  • Rasmussen, K. R., & Boon, S. D. (2014). Romantic revenge and the dark triad: A model of impellance and inhibition. Personality and Individual Differences, 56, 51-56.
  • Sheppard, K. E., & Boon, S. D. (2012). Predicting appraisals of romantic revenge: The roles of honesty-humility, agreeableness, and vengefulness. Personality and Individual Differences, 52, 128-132.
  • Yoshimura, S. M., & Boon, S. D. (2014). Exploring revenge as a feature of family life. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 6, 222-240.

Other Publications:

  • Boon, S. D. (2009). Revenge. In H. T. Reis & S. Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (pp. 1378-1379). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Courses Taught:

  • Bias and Error in Human Judgment and Decision-Making
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Social Psychology
  • The General Linear Model

Susan D. Boon, Dr.
Department of Psychology
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4

  • Phone: (403) 220-5564

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